Design-Led Strategy
Have you ever struggled to make a case for design topics or redesigns in your strategy planning? I'll present a toolbox for how Design can steer and influence planning using a mix of information architecture work, storyboarding, and prototyping to showcase how Design can be a key enabler for success. Over the last year, we recently redesigned our core experience at Blinkist in terms of how people find and consume content, and this session is based on what I learned in the process.
Who is it for?
Design leaders who are directly involved or contributing to strategy planning.
Top 3 Outcomes
I'm a product and design leader. I'm currently building the destination for life-long learning at Blinkist and Go1. Before that, I built the design team at Flaconi, a Berlin-based e-commerce scale-up, and worked at a design agency in San Francisco to set design foundations at early-stage startups.
I'm also obsessed with fashion design and spend a lot of my free time watching runway show analyses on Youtube.