Data & Decisions for Designers
As a design leader, a deeper understanding of metrics, data, & statistics is increasingly critical for one simple reason: whether your design work ships (or not) usually depends on an A/B test. Unfortunately, designers often don't have the training to push back when bad or incomplete data starts shaping product decisions. In this workshop, develop the skills to identify the right metrics, spot data analysis errors, and create data-driven arguments to ship the best design work of your career.
Who is it for?
Experienced designers & design leaders who want a stronger say in how products are shaped and whether they ship
Top 3 Outcomes
For nearly 20 years, Ryan has run multiple businesses, coached hundreds of designers, and led numerous cross-functional teams to launch some of today’s most recognisable products.
His perspective on design leadership is shaped by his experience in-house at startups of every scale. He was one of the first designers at DoorDash, as well as leading multiple cross-functional teams to redesign and rebuild Airbnb's most business-critical products.
Ryan teaches and coaches experienced designers in the business skills necessary to excel at the leadership level.