Culture: Decoding it in your company. Designing it in your team.
We’ll kick off the Barcelona Atelier with a session for everyone, all about Culture. We talk about culture all the time, but do we really know what it is and how it works? Culture is all around us and yet it’s almost invisible. In this session, we’ll explore ways to “see” the culture you’re in and the culture you’re from. We’ll talk about how to decode company culture, how to understand what’s going on in cross-cultural teams, and how to design the culture you want in your own team, whether you’re a team member or the team leader.
Who is it for?
Anyone who leads or works in a team, in a company of any size.
Top 3 Outcomes
Julia Whitney is an executive and leadership coach. She helps leaders build greater meaning and impact into their work, increasing their self-awareness, constructive behaviour, confidence, and resourcefulness along the way. Julia has coached hundreds of Design, Product and Tech leaders. She’s passionate about building a liveable climate, so coaches climate leaders as well, and offers an optional climate lens to her work with any leader.
Julia brings her own experience as a board level leader to her practice. Julia’s led design teams for more than 20 years, in both the U.S. and the UK, most recently as GM and Executive Creative Director for the BBC’s 150 person User Experience and Design department.